How Claire Sulmers Went From Crashing Designer Parties to Hosting Her Own Fashion Show

a black and white headshot of claire sulmers with her name and date above and the office hours logo below

Derek Blanks

In ELLE.comā€™s monthly series Office Hours, we ask people in powerful positions to take us through their first jobs, worst jobs, and everything in between. This month we spoke to Claire Sulmers, the founder of Fashion Bomb Daily, a go-to source for celebrity style and fashion intel. What started as Sulmersā€™ online diary has transformed into a multi-pronged business, including the Fashion Bomb Daily Shop, an e-commerce store focused on diverse, emerging designers, and The Bomb Fashion Show. ā€œGoing from being an outsiderā€”crashing fashion shows and literally having anxiety attacks when fashion week came around, because I wanted to go so badly and didnā€™t know how to get inā€”to having a sold-out fashion show and giving opportunities to people is one of the most fulfilling things Iā€™ve ever done,ā€ Sulmers told Below, the blogger-turned-businesswoman shares how she charted her own path into the fashion worldā€”and how you can do the same.

My first job

My first salaried job was as a researcher/reporter at Real Simple magazine. I graduated from Harvard in 2003 and wanted to work in media, but I didnā€™t have a lot of experience, so I was doing a lot of unpaid or poorly paid internships. I was really thrilled to work at Real Simple, because it was a full-time job, so I had regular hours, I had health insurance. But it really wasnā€™t the place I wanted to be. I wanted to write about fashion, and they only had an opening in the research and reporting department. But I was able to learn so much that has carried over to my career today. Iā€™m such a stickler for us making sure things are spelled correctly, that the price is correct. It made me very detail-oriented.

from the desk of claire sulmers my dream job i haven't done yet i want to be the executive producer of a tv show based on my life kind of like emily in paris, but it'll be claire in brooklyn or something go to email sign off best regards my open tabs four gmails, shopify, the bomb life, and fashion bomb daily logins also a tab for my facebook column called the state of fashion my go to snack i love popcorners white cheddar chips

Derek Blanks

The biggest career risk I ever took

I worked at Real Simple for four years. But I had this degree in French and African American studies that I hadnā€™t really used, and I always had this dream of living in Paris. So I thought to myself, how am I going to make it happen?

I decided to quit my job with the goal of working at Vogue in Paris. I was 28, and I moved. I knew one person there; I hadnā€™t saved up any money. It was probably one of the craziest things Iā€™ve ever done in my life, and it took me a year and a half before I was able to get an internship at Vogue. But when I moved, I became more courageous and really started to go for what I want.

Why thereā€™s never a perfect time to make a bold move

If you have something in your heart and in your mind, I always say itā€™s an assignment from God. Thereā€™s a reason you feel this tugging, and you can come up with so many different excuses as to why you shouldnā€™t do it. But if I hadnā€™t made that moveā€”and mind you, my Caribbean parents were like, ā€œYouā€™re crazy. You should stay in this job. Save up your money some moreā€ā€”I donā€™t know where I would be. I did have to take a step back and seriously sacrifice and deal with all the problems that go along with moving to a foreign country without having saved up a lot of money. But at the end of the day, I ended up making multiples of what I was making at my old job. I learned so much about myself from that big move.

How Iā€™ve created opportunities for myself

I once crashed a Louis Vuitton party that was happening at the Brooklyn Museum. At the time, I lived across the street, and I was like, ā€œThereā€™s no way a big fashion event is happening across the street from my house and Iā€™m not going.ā€ So I put on a Jessica McClintock prom dress and costume jewelry and finagled my way in. I grabbed a glass of champagne, and I said hi to Marc Jacobs. I had my digital camera, and I took a selfie with him, and he was nuzzled up in my ear like we were friends. I was just taking pictures with everybody. I handed out my business card to Anna Wintour. I was going to meet as many people as possible. A few months later I was crashing a show, and I sat next to a writer for Teen Vogue. I handed him my card, and he saw the picture of me and Marc Jacobs [on Fashion Bomb] and wrote about me as a blogger of the moment.

One of my favorite phrases is: I couldnā€™t find a seat at the table, so I made my own table. Sometimes my attitude can seem a bit aggressive, but Iā€™m always like, ā€œWhy not me?ā€ Itā€™s always been one of those things where Iā€™m trying to prove myself and go with my gut and my heart. A lot of times I am fearful. A lot of times Iā€™m thinking, okay, if I go up to Marc Jacobs, he might pour champagne on me. But most people that Iā€™ve met are so kind. Try to carve out a space for yourself. Itā€™s paid off for me ultimately.

from the desk of claire sulmers how i get up in the morning generally i don't set an alarm, because i tend to just wake up at 8 am i also wake up randomly at 3 am if you see posts on fashion bomb at 3 am, it's me my power outfit black turtleneck, black pants, snazzy shades my first salary at real simple, i think i made 36,000 dollars how i calm down on a stressful day i take a nap

Derek Blanks

On fashionā€™s diversity problem

Does Black-owned media really have a space in fashion? When we go to a fashion show, for example, thereā€™s really no representation from Black-owned media, Black editors, Black influencers. In a lot of the luxury spaces, Black-owned media is not given a seat at the table. We donā€™t get invites to a lot of the big shows. We donā€™t get interviews with a lot of the big designers. Itā€™s been an endemic issue, and in my opinion, you go where youā€™re celebrated, not tolerated. There could be more access given to people of all colors when it comes to fashion. Itā€™s important that all of us come together and address these issues until weā€™re at a place of true equity.

How I open doors for other Black women in fashion

We had our second Bomb Fashion Show this September to give not just Black models, but Black designers an opportunity to show during New York Fashion Week. I know from experience that running a fashion show is very expensive. So for me, itā€™s about using my platform to create opportunities for other people. I really felt like when I was coming up, it was a cold world. I would be like, ā€œCan I please come in? Can somebody help me?ā€ And I just heard ā€œno.ā€ E-commerce started for that same reasonā€”encountering a lot of designers who donā€™t have access to consumers or marketing or stylists or celebrities, and me leveraging a lot of my contacts to help them to drive sales and build their businesses. If I can just be who I wanted to be as a young woman in the industry, then I feel like Iā€™m doing something right.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Headshot of Madison Feller

Madison is a senior writer/editor at, covering news, politics, and culture. When she’s not on the internet, you can most likely find her taking a nap or eating banana bread.

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